Cosmic Field Trip

Cosmic Field Trip is a limited edition art book (printed in 50 hard cover, 150 soft cover copies) made of collages from The Basic Science Education Series written in 40s-50s. Each chapter is a reconstruction of a different book (The Earth's Nearest Neighbor, The Earth a Great Storehouse, Light, Fire) written by Bertha Morris Parker. It comes with "Guide to the Cosmic Field Trip", a guidebook that explains the context.

I used techniques such as rearranging, censoring, classifying to reconstruct these texts. Illustrations turned into visual artworks, scientific explanations into poetry, didactic instructions for experiments into guides for absurd rituals. The result is a new book, created with both coincidence and intention, discovering potential of poetry, political discourse and humor in science education books, celebrating and criticizing the resource books at the same time.

Click here to look or purchase soft cover or hard cover book from Dante&Istakoz.

This project has received the Border_less book fund, and is supported with Border_less book fund.